Art Under $100

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16


Whew! Sorry for the long absence there friends. Chad's parents came to visit so I was busy doing things like going to Quebec City and being a tourist in my own town. I'll have a recap of Quebec City after I whittle down the million photos I took-it's just so darn pretty ( I may have also watched the entire first season of Fargo the week before so excuse my quaint expressions). To make up for this, I've provided you with a round-up of possibly my favourite 'Art Under $100' subject, 'Vintage Portrait Painting'. 

I know this isn't for everyone so I've also given you a bit of inspiration in case you're afraid of having creepy eyes following you around. Hot tip - don't buy portraits that have creepy eyes and also maybe don't put portraits that have disapproving stares directly near your bed! 

Three ways to use vintage portraits: 

1) Hang it all on it's own to highlight it in it's stunning glory. Bonus points if you can tie in the painting colours to the room. Number 4 or 14 would look amazing against chartreuse or pink.


2) Hang it within a gallery arrangement to contrast abstract/photographic/landscape work. Number 6 or 12 would be a great foil to other mixed media. Bonus points for keeping the entire arrangement in a few key colours.


3) Hang it all - go crazy and create the ultimate statement gallery wall using a single theme. Bonus points if you go and buy everything I listed before I do.


2 Response to Art Under $100

September 22, 2014 at 1:52 PM

Hey! Number 2 is my etsy listing. just stumbled upon your blog. It's a crazy-small world or something.

September 22, 2014 at 4:21 PM

Hi Mandy,

It is a small world and you have a beautifully curated Etsy store.


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